Event Information
Presenter(s): Sherry Missler
Category: Student Services
Target Audience :
Start Date: 9/16/2024
End Date: 9/16/2024
Registration Deadline: 9/16/2024 12:00:00 PM
Time of Offering: 10:00:00 PM - 12:00:00 PM
Location: NOECA - Lab A and Zoom
Attendees: (10 / 16) Seats Filled (Click here to view attendees that have signed up for this event.)
Class Name: Marks, GPAs and SI Report Card Processing
Class Description:

Marks Maintenance, Combined Mark Groups, Marking
Patterns, GPA and Honor Roll, Student Information Report
Card Processing, Posting the Report Card to Parent Access
and the 'I want to' menu.

To Join Zoom Meeting:

We will be referencing the below document.


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